måndag 4 juli 2011

E-writing assignment 2.1

Select a scenario, copy it to your page and then write a matching dialogue to go with it. Whatever your choice, try to bring the scenario to some sort of close in the actual dialogue. Target length: 250-500 words.

The Elevator

Two office workers who know but dislike each other are trapped in a lift/an elevator with a sales representative who they've never met before but who they're both immediately attracted to. Help is on its way.

“Damn it! Not again!” said Elma as the elevator stopped.
"I don’t have time for this. I'm  supposed to be meeting a sales rep from FedEx in about 5 minutes.” said Karol, pushing all the buttons as if it would help.
“That would be me.” said the stranger. “I’m Allen. A pleasure to meet you.”
"Really, I wouldn't have guessed." Karol said.
"How so?"
"All the sales reps they've sent us so far have been, short, bald and ugly."
"I'm glad that you don't put me in any of those categories." he said with a big grin that Karol responded to with a flirty smile.
“Now that we all know each other, how about trying to get out of this damn elevator?” Elma said sourly to Karol while checking out Allen's muscular body with desire.
“Relax, Elma.” said Karol. “You are always so stressed out. Just relax.”
“That’s easy for you to say, being the boss' favourite pet!”
“What?” Karol looked at her as if she didn’t know what Elma was talking about.
“You know what I’m talking about! Don’t try to deny it.”
“I really don’t. Please tell me.”
“Ladies, please. Just relax. I’m sure help is on the way. Let me take care of this.” he said, interrupting just in time. He pushed the emergency button for ten seconds and the alarm went off. “See, it won’t be long.”
“Well, Allen. We have been stuck in this elevator before. It always takes some time. At least this time we have a hunk with us.” Karol smiled.
“Oh, will you just shut up?! I can’t bear being stuck here with you. Just sit down and shut up, please.”
“What is with you, Elma? What is your problem?”
“You are. You are my problem.”
“Now that we have such a great opportunity, would you like to sort it out? Get it all in the open?” Allen interrupted. Karol started crying.
“You see Allen. The women at my department all seem to hate me ever since I advanced from assistant to director.”
“Why is that?” Allen asked.
“Jealousy I guess.”
“Don’t be stupid!” Elma said. “That’s not it, you know why!”
“I really don’t. Please! Tell me Elma.” Karol said through her tears.
“It’s not a secret. We all know you screwed your way to the top.”
“Don’t be ridiculous!” Karol laughed. “Is that what everybody thinks? I thought everyone knew Mr. Smith had a boyfriend!” 

Elma looked at Karol. Feeling embarassed.
“I’m sorry.” Elma said and embraced her new found friend. “I didn’t know what to think. Seeing you hitting on Allen just now made me act real stupid. Will you forgive me?”

“Sure. Don’t think about it.” Karol wiped her tears.
"I don't know how to say this Karol, but I find you so attractive I can't even think straight."

“You two should kiss and make up.” Allen smiled. Elma and Karol looked at him smiling back. They looked at each other and started kissing. As the elevator started to move, Allen joined in.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Oh.. what is this? They all seem very frustrated and when the ladies go from flirting with Allan to kissing each other (and he joins them) I just have one thought in mind - this is so porny! :D
    I just can't decide if I like it or not, but I'm sure it was interesting to write ;).

  2. Uuum... Hi, No wait a minute... I mean Hi,

    Ok shake it off! Well let... uuum... Damn you!
    I didn't expect that. I mean you made me fall out of my chair laughing but it is really well written although i feel as if the line on which Karol starts crying is a bit off topic or at least it feels like Karol is a drama queen and doesn't need much to start crying ^^

    All'n all it's really well written and the twist was just awesome!


  3. Haha very funny dialogue! :)
    I chose the same scenario so its interesting for me to see how you have chosen to develope the story. And I have to say, we have done quite different stories:D
    Elin Boström

  4. @martin: Hehehe, in yo face! :P Well, she is a drama queen. You have to be if you are going to get some action in an elevator! :P

    @Camilla: Yeah well. I couldn't help myself! People stuck in an elevator have to get there freak on? :D

    @Elin: Read yours! Haha, yeah- quite different, yours is more describing an actually event, instead of a opening scene in some pornflick.. ;)

    Anyways, I had fun doing this. And somebody have to add some porn. Porn is very creative? :P
